Babylon Barre Ltd

Pop-Up Root Chakra Flow
with Sabrina Morici

January 5 (Friday)
at 6:30 pm

Class length
75 minutes

Dive into the Chakras in 2024 at Babylon Barre! Join Sabrina for an introduction to the Root Chakra, our studio focus for January!

January's theme of the month is the Root Chakra. Flow and learn about this Chakra with Sabrina on January 5 at 6:30pm. We will discuss what the chakras are, how they work, and the significance of the Root Chakra. Then, enjoy a grounding yoga flow and meditation that will give you tools to stay connected with this energy!

This yoga and meditation class will also incorporate crystals, intention-setting for the New Year, and grounding exercises. Participants are encouraged to wear the color red, which signifies the root chakra, for color therapy!

Included for members. $20 drop in fee for non-members.


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